How to Create a Self-Care Routine That Works for You

You’ve heard it a million times - “You can't pour from an empty cup” yadda yadda yadda…(any Seinfeld fans here?). And we know self care is a way to “fill” said cup. But life is busy and how TF can we add in one more thing in our already “bustin’ at the seams” schedule … Adding in self care sounds kind of stressful!

Sit down, gf - I have warm tea for you and we are going to figure out together how to add self care into your daily routines so it adds more JOY into your day/week/year/life. 

These are 5 ways you can add self care into your day to feel grounded, centered, and like a cup of damn sunshine. 

  1. Start with a goal in mind

Before you start creating your self-care routine, it's important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Whether it's reducing stress levels, improving your sleep, or simply taking better care of your physical and mental health, having a clear goal in mind will help you stay motivated and focused as you build your routine. Want to do all of the above? Same. But let’s start with ONE, and it will overflow into the other areas - which area do you want to focus on the most? 

  1. Assess your current habits

Take a look at your current daily habits and routines. What do you already do that is good for your self-care and wellbeing? What do you do that could be improved? Consider your eating habits, exercise routines, and sleep patterns, as well as any other activities or habits that may impact your health and wellbeing. This helps get the juices flowing and you might even realize you’re already doing some self care things daily - taking the dog for a walk, massaging your feet when putting lotion on (perfect if your top love language is physical touch), reading a book before bed, etc. 

  1. Create a list of self-care activities

Once you have a clear idea of your goals and current habits, it's time to start thinking about specific self-care activities that you would like to incorporate into your routine. This could include anything from meditation and exercise, to journaling, reading, or taking a relaxing bath. Think about what you enjoy and what you find most beneficial for your wellbeing.

  1. Use habit stacking

One effective way to integrate self-care activities into your routine is through habit stacking. This involves combining a self-care activity with a habit that you already have in place. For example, you could start your day by sitting in front of a circadian rhythm light while going through your email. Or, you could do a few stretches before you get out of bed in the morning. By stacking self-care activities with habits you already have in place, you can make it easier to incorporate self-care into your routine. This is my favorite tip and what’s made the biggest difference for me. While brushing your teeth, say positive affirmations (I am beautiful, I got this, I show up with love, etc.), before every meal give gratitude/pray, when you first wake up drink water, when getting ready for bed diffuse lavender oil, etc. Where can you expand your current habits to turn it into a moment of self care?

  1. Make it a priority

Incorporating self-care into your daily routine takes time and effort to really get it down pat, but it's important to make it a priority. If you forget to say your affirmations one day - just pick up right where you left off. 

So, there you have it, my tips for creating a self-care routine that works for you. Remember, self-care is an ongoing process, so be patient with yourself and make adjustments as needed. Your health and wellbeing are worth it! Take care, and talk to you soon.

Check out my Holistic Self Care Inspo list for some of my fav ways to self care daily - 



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