A self-care spa night at home - in 20 minutes or less

Prioritizing your mental and emotional health is just as important as prioritizing your physical health. Taking time for yourself to rest and relax is essential to caring for yourself. If you’re looking for ways to squeeze in self-care, here are a few ways you can have a spa-like experience at home in 20 minutes or less!

Play Soothing Music

Music always sets the mood, so put on your favorite playlist while you treat yourself.


Diffusing essential oils is a must for a spa night or anytime you want to create a relaxing environment. My current favorite blend to diffuse is geranium and orange!

DIY Face Mask

Is it even a spa night if you don’t wear a face mask?? There are so many simple face masks you can make with products in your home! Try mixing a little bentonite clay with water and a drop of frankincense essential oil.

Epsom Salts and Lavender Essential oil

Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a handful of Epsom salts and toss them into a warm bath or soak your feet. Epsom salts help relax your muscles, ease tension, and lavender essential oil calms and creates an instant feeling of relaxation.