Creating a holistic medicine cabinet with essential oils

If you know me at all, you know essential oils are something I use every. single. day. Essential oils are amazing for creating a calming environment or making your home smell nice, naturally, but they also have incredible health benefits and uses that go beyond a nice scent!

Essential oils are extremely versatile and you typically only need a drop to receive all the benefits! They are one of my favorite natural remedies and something I always have on hand. If you're looking to create a more natural, holistic medicine cabinet, these are the oils that I recommend starting with...

Peppermint -

Peppermint is most commonly used for supporting a healthy digestive system, making it a great option if you’re feeling nauseous, bloated, or have a stomach ache. It’s also great for supporting your respiratory system and easy breathing, as well as soothing muscles after a workout or during your period.

Lavender -

Who doesn't love the smell of lavender?! When you think of lavender, you likely think of sleep and relaxation. Lavender has incredible calming properties, making it the perfect oil to use before bed or to reduce stress!

Frankincense -

Frankincense is one of the most versatile essential oils. It can be used in your skincare, haircare, bug bites, bruises, scars, you name it! When in doubt, reach for frankincense!

Sandalwood -

Another one of my favorites to use in skincare, sandalwood has calming properties, not only for your mind and body but also for your skin! If you deal with scarring, you'll find sandalwood especially helpful in your skincare routine.

Tea tree -

Tea tree is a great cleansing oil. You’ve likely seen it as an ingredient in skincare geared towards acne-prone skin. It works wonders if you're dealing with bumps, blemishes, or even cold sores!

Clove -

Clove is an excellent oil for oral care, which is why you'll find it as an ingredient in many natural toothpastes. If you're dealing with any type of tooth discomfort, you can use clove directly on your gums. If you’re someone who deals with canker sores, make sure you have clove on hand!

Rosemary -

If you have dandruff or if you just want to support healthy hair, add a few drops of rosemary to your shampoo or hair care routine!

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